Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Impressions

If you are a working professional you already know about the pressures of first impressions.  A first impression can either help or hurt you when seeking a job or meeting a client.  Another first impression we sometimes forget in our busy lives is our home's!  Usually we refer to this as 'curb appeal' and often is more of a priority if we are selling or looking to buy a home.  Giving your home a little spruce up can not only help in the look of your home from the outside but it can become a fun way to show some of your character off to your neighbors!  We are excited to share our thoughts and ideas with you through this blog and hope this 'first impression' keeps you coming back for more.

Since it's the holidays and that usually means the decorations come out and you might be hanging that wreath you have had for years back up, this might be a good time to consider something new this year.  There are so many choices to pick from when selecting a wreath.  Depending on the style of home or interior decor, it's nice to coordinate the interior to the exterior.  Just like interior design to help keep your decorations for the holidays cohesive it is good to have a theme, color scheme or style you are attracted to.  For many, keeping with old family traditions is an important focus during your Christmas.  If you are one of those, maybe keeping things traditional which helps bring comfort and warmth to your family. 


Maybe you like a little whimsy added to your holiday?  An ornament wreath is perfect for you.  What is great about these is the ability to mix and match your ornaments and since there are so many different ornaments for all kinds of themes you can customize it to the 'T'!

Hey, sometimes Christmas feels like too much work with all the nic-naks and you would prefer to keep it simple.  Well, more than likely you will want to keep it simple because you prefer a modern or contemporary feel.


If you like the whimsy then you might really want to go wild and different!  Going the total opposite of traditional and making it completely your own.

Of course having a wreath is nice year round.  Here are several which can transition into and out of the holidays.  This one could be interesting, modifying each season to keep it new to you and your neighbors!

These are really cute and what a great way to really go 'green' this year.  A live wreath that requires a little maintenance but really gives off the welcome vibe!

Live Succulent